Sunday, October 16, 2011

Conclusion of Sunday Football

So tonight's games have concluded, and woah, talk about a woozy. As mentioned earlier Lions were upset, then a funny moment happened between the coaches.
Sean Peyton got injured! (Link as promised haha)
Cowboys ended up losing to Patriots, but really there's no surprise there. To be honest it amazes me that people thought Romo would be a great. He lacks several essentials and is a Tier 2 QB on a good day. In comparison a top tier QB on a good day is a god, usually unstoppable and sets records...

As for THE game, Bears vs. Vikings, I gotta say it was a stomp, Bears just destroyed the Vikings. Although my score predictions were off  my winners weren't. 4 for 4 :) I must say that I'm surprised by the awkward scoring today, Patriots/Cowboys are known for their shootouts, and when I think of the Bears/Ravens I think low scoring teams which when they dominate it's through shutting down the opposing offense.

On a side note, I'm going to be keeping my eye on Christian Ponder after his short lived but amazing performance. He's a rookie drafted in the first round last year. He might be replacing McNabb sooner than I thought. He reminds me Aaron Rodgers, my favorite QB. His pocket awareness was  amazing. However I feel as though he will be one of those bright flames which get cut short due to injury. Only time will tell!

Anyways, today was fun, I'll perhaps post something about tomorrow's game! Good night guys!

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